Author Archives for Viktoriia Kuzmenko

insurance and image recognition image

Will image recognition revolutionize insurance industry?

September 8, 2020 2:49 pm Published by Comments Off on Will image recognition revolutionize insurance industry?

Image recognition is used for automation in factories, laboratories and medical centers. But can it be used in insurance industry to help underwriters estimate the risk of insuring a person? Or to estimate damage done to a car? Could we collect data without expensive equipment and use it to further minimize probability of a claim? Let’s see how the biggest insurance companies in the world use image recognition in their work.

4 common uses of image recognition in industry

5 most common applications of image recognition

September 8, 2020 2:31 pm Published by Comments Off on 5 most common applications of image recognition

Attempts to make the machines comprehend the world similar to humans started decades ago, yet now technological advancements have become so good that they are effectively used in numerous areas of our life. Here are 5 most common uses of image recognition software.

machine vision in bottling industry

Why machine vision is the way to go?

August 26, 2020 2:43 pm Published by Comments Off on Why machine vision is the way to go?

Here’s a simple explanation of a complicated process – Machine vision is a combination of hardware and software working together.